

        IN Mr. Lambs "orks," publis eulogy on my old sy oanding at Cs itude to ers, I trived t togetever    be said in praise of t most ingeniously.

        [Footnote] "Recolles Of Cs al"

        I remember L. at sc t ages,    o see t as often as in    reasurer to temple    explain    ea and    rolls in a m, er of a penny loaf -- our crug moisteenuated small beer, in c casteless, and turday, coarse and c;extra-ordinary bread and butter," from t-loaf of temple. t, some -- ( days in to e o make it go do amon. In lieu of our e fresrong as caro equina), estable marigolds floating in to poison ty mutts on Fridays -- and rat grudging, portions of tten-roasted or rare, on tuesdays (ted our appetites, and disappointed our stomac equal proportion --    plate of roast veal, or tempting griskiiknoo our palates), cooked in ternal kitc t ! I remember tive (in one in a by-nook of ters disclosing tes o tise); and tending passions of L. at t, and ts bringing; sympatoo many to s; and, at top of all, , stro of t, breaking doony fences of sroubling over-sciousness.

        I s, and tances of to me in t city, after a little forotice, ake of me on my first arrival in toired of my s. to to recur too often, t ter anot myself alone among six es.

        O ty of separating a poor lad from ead! to o in tive to) e back, s crees, and faces!    exclaim upon s e in iltshire!

        to te race impressio by tion of turn but ting memory e arra, urned out, for to go to, or none. I remember to tter, I t mucer-pastimes -- o trip u on like young da treams; getting us appetites for noon, y m crust long since exed)    ttle, and t feed about us, and isfy our cravings -- ty of time, and ty, setting a keener edge upon t and languid, finally, urn, to, t ty had expired!

        It er, to go pro treets objectless -- s cold -so extract a little amusement; or    resort, in ttle y, to pay a fifty-times repeated visit (o too itle to admission. L.s governor (so ron o tion) lived in a manner under ernal roof. Any plaint teo. tood at Cs, and ual s to    ty of masters, or yranny of tors. tes are -siing to call to recolle. I    of my bed, and    er nig once, but niger nig, to receive t pleased my calloer o bed, to make t beds in tory, o it, nor o yranny drove t of us from t ies, forbad ter, s.

        ter days, ing some maturer offen tter myself in fang t t be ter of t name, . Kits, some feobin    instrument ing o tty Nero actually branded a boy, arved forty of us, ing tributions, to to pamper a young ass, er (a young flame of rived to smuggle in, and keep upon tories. t on for better till t, not able to fare     cry roast meat --    , foolis, and kig, i , bleoppling do cealment any lo defia ain attentions, to Smit I never uood t tron under any sure on tewardship of L.s admired Perry.

        Uration,    L. ten ty o carry aters, for tables, o of t, ised in t magnifit apartment, ;by Verrio, and ot;    is "; But t of sleek    boys in pictures    t time, I believe, little solatory to ter part of our provisions carried ahe hall of Dido)

        to feed our mind raiture.

        L. o gags, or t of fress it doo some superstition. But tuous morsels are never grateful to young palates (c-ers) and in strong, coarse, boiled meats, unsalted, are detestable. A gag-eater in our time    to a goul, aion. -- suffered uation.

        ---- `twas said

        e strange flesh.

        er dinner, carefully to gats left at able (not many, nor very cs, you may credit me) and, in an especial maable morsels, otle t stood at e t    ely devoured t. o traces of suc practices ed, t, on leave-days, o carry out of t be ture     o imagine . Some said    to t about moping. None spake to ed; put out of too poo be beaten, but    every mode of t ive punis, ill    lengto get at t, and raced    purpose, to enter a large    building, suc spes of in C out to various scales of pauperism aircase. After ly slunk in, and folloealts, and sa a poor , ainty. tim. toils. Accusation ribution most signal tle after my time),    patient sagacity ermio iigate tter, before o sente    ts, terious scraps, turned out to be ts of -- , an    couple e to decay, --    tork, at to ted a present relief to ted eo --, I believe,    be lost upon ory. -- I    sc I    all calculated to ciliate ile prejudices. I . I t do quite so well by he old folks.

        I ters, upon t putting oly fitted to assuage tural terrors of initiation. I ender years, barely turned of seven; and    in dreams. I old    for t offence. -- As a novice I er taken to see ttle, square, Bedlam cells,    ra -- a mattress, I terituted -- , let in askance, from a prison-orifice at top, barely enougo read by.    sig ter    speak to o call    to receive isement,    separated erval from solitude: and    up by s, out of to suffer ion io ime of life, mig o.* ty for t to see w became of    degree?

        [Footnote] * One or tances of lunacy, or attempted suicide, accly, at lengt of tence, and t torture to ts    of o    on atue.

        t, ime deemed irreversible, o da fe, arrayed in uncout appalling attire -- all trace of e "c ; carefully effaced, , resembling ters formerly delig of titure ed. ited features, it s in Dante     into te state-room), s o seo be seen for t time; of tioner beadle, clad in ate robe for t, because never but iies visible. tomed to officiate at tima Supplicia; not to mitigate (so at least ood it), but to enforce ttermost stripe. Old Bamber Gase, aer Aubert, I remember, o prepare eries. ter tately. tor apae round too faint tending to ting -- circumstao make accurate report ed. Report, of course, gave out tty and livid. After sc, o, to    only suces o o en of tation allotted to side of te.

        tries    played off so often as to spoil ty. e y of exercise and recreation after sfess, t I    as t of tants on ter; but tt portion of tment, of o be a member. e lived a life as careless as birds. e talked and did just ed us. e carried an acce, rammar, for form; but, for any trouble it gave us, ting t, and anotting all t y of saying a lesson, but if you    lear, a brus enougo disturb a fly) rance. Field never used trut good ;like a dancer." It looked in rument of auty; and an emblem, too,    did not care to ruffle    any great sideration upon time.    often staid ao us -- e room to retire to, t time aid, to be out of t on. e    being beo "i Greece or y Rome," t passed current among us -- Peter ilkins -- tures of t. Robert Boyle -- tunate Blue Coat Boy -- and tivated a turn for mecific operations; making little sun-dials of paper; or -cradles; or making dry peas to dance upon tin pipe; or studying t military over t laudable game "Frend a o pass aime -- mixing to have seen us.

        Matto t class of modest divines o mix in equal proportion tleman, tian; but, I kno    ingredient is generally found to ing dose in tion. ies, or ly bo some episcopal levee ion; and    form seldom proceeded furtroductory fables of Po go on t guess. Boyer, erfering in a provi strictly    been    my suspis, t    altoget trast ed to    of s to ans. imes, o borroer, and to one of ; and fres; udents tering to,    enjoined by te,    our ease in our little Gostle into ts of    did but to our lot. orms came near, but oucrary to Gideons miracle,    tter sc, age in temper.    speak of    someterror allaying titude; t idleness, and Elysiaions, and life itself a "playing ;

        [Footnote] * Cowley.

        tly removed from tion of Boyer, and a little of em. e occasionally es, and caugartarus. B. . yle    to barbarism. er anty obliged o ts) ing as sel pipes. ily, but t must be at Flaccuss quibble about Rex -- or at tristis severitas in vultu, or inspicere in patinas, of terence -- ts,    broaove a Roman muscle. -- ic, but of differing omen. tokening a mild day. t, angry , denoting frequent and bloody executioo te    expounded surer. -- J. B. ty fist at a poor trembling al milk s lips) ;Sirrao set your s at me? " -- Noto see ry into turbulent eye, singling out a lad, roar out, "Ods my life, Sirra; (e adjuration) "I    mind to rag impulse, fling bato er a cooling lapse of some minutes (during    otally fotte) drive    again, pieg out    sense, as if it any ory yell -- "and I ILL, too." -- In ler moods, o an ingenious met I o es, at time; a paragrapory    at a    and flouris calculated to impress tient ion for toric.

        [Footnote] * In tipodes of or. , F. ing lemanly fan ttle dramatic effusion of umnus and Pomona, is not yet fotten by t sort of literature. It ed by Garrick, but to give it tion. -- B. used to say of it, in a    oo classical for representation

        Once, and but oed rod o fall iual from ing    --    putting ters desk to a use for     desig, to justify    simplicity averred, t    kno te irreition of any laet to tory, struck so irresistibly upon t (t excepted) t remission was unavoidable.

        L.    to B.s great merits as an instructor. Ce, in erary life, elligible and ample en on try Spectator doubts not to pare    teaciquity. Per dismiss ter tion of C. -- o bliss by little s to reproacies."

        Under    Gre of my time    Pepys Stevens, ki of boys and men, since Co-grammar-master (and inseparable panion) -----e.    an edifying spectacle did t to ti-socialities of t treet    a    immediate sub-appearance of tors ligoilsome duties of t veo retire, t long in disc t it suited o lay do is pleasant, as it is rare, to find t forty, een    to turia, or some tale of Antique Friends even to anticipate! Co-Gre ed y various diplomatis at ts. tall, dark, saturnine youton folloa) a scleman in eens. ation of an excellent critid is autry Spectator) of a treatise on ticle, against So bear re as (I dare say) suffitly justifies ty quite as primitive as t of Je be exactly fitted to impress tic dios itutions, and tered. t s. (if not senior to ons, t spirited of tudious Gre. -- ted M----- of t.

        Finding some of Edwards race

        Unheir annals by.

        e bato memory, like as t in t yet turned -- Samuel taylor Ce -- Logi, Metapers stand still, intranced ion (o    intonations, teries of Jamblius (for even in t not pale at sucs), or reg o ts of ty-boy ! -- Many ;-bats," (to dally a far    sloides, tack about, and take advantage of all    and iion."

        Nor s tten, Allen, ill more cordial laug    to make ters sion of some poigna of ticipation of some more material, and, peradventure, practical one, of tinct are t beautiful teurer    disarm ted toigress-like round, suddenly verted by terrible "bl--," fentler greeting -- "bless t;

        folloo be noemper, tter by too quick a sense of    -- ill capable of enduring ts poor Sizars are sometimes subject to in our seats of learning -- excer for te, and one on tile, s-natured; F----- dogged, faiticipative of insult,    about him.

        Fine, frank-ed Fr-- , t master of ford, -----, mildest of Missionaries -- and botill -- close talogue of Gres in my time.